W. Brindley (Garages) Limited, and its subsidiary companies, maintain relationships with many different organisations in our supply chain as well as employing over 300 people directly. In light of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 we have reviewed our existing compliance and risk management processes with a view to ensuring they are robust enough to identify and prevent slavery and human trafficking in any part of our business or supply chains.
Modern slavery and human trafficking are crimes. As a business of the highest principles we will act to oppose and prevent such practices being in place in our work place or those operated by our suppliers. We have a zero tolerance to such activities. It is the commitment of the Directors of W Brindley (Garages) Ltd to uphold this policy. Responsibility lies with them and is operationally applied through dealership management.
Our approach is to question, enquire and confirm that businesses and people we trade with are observing the same high principles we do. Our aim is to only contract with parties who do not use, forced, compulsory or trafficked labour, or anyone held in slavery or servitude whether adults or children.
The steps we have taken to ensure we comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 are below
Whistle blowing procedure – Direct access to Company Directors
All Employees, Suppliers and Members of the Public can contact a Company Director by emailing Paul Ashcroft directly on paul.ashcroft@brindley.biz if they believe a situation has arisen where the company may have breached the policy above or be exposed to Modern Slavery. The nature of the complaint will determine the Company’s next course of action. All contact will be in complete confidence.
If you have a question or a query regarding the Modern Slavery Act 2015 Brindley Garages Group can be contacted via our Online Contact Us form.
This statement covers the company’s financial year ending 30 November 2022 and applies to the company its subsidiary companies – W. Brindley Garages (Cannock) Limited and Brincars Limited. This statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 1st December 2022.
Signed: P.M. Ashcroft
Finance Director
1st December 2022